Doing business with someone from another culture requires that you admit you don’t understand things the same way they do–and then find someone to help.

5-by-5: Revisiting the Cliché Questions
Do you really know your business and its market? Using 5 cliche interview questions, you can learn just how much you may not know about how your company–and its products and services–fits into the marketplace.

Bad Advice, Part 4
Before you start sending out your marketing message, figure out who you want to engage, and whether your message is for them.

Bad Advice, Part 3
Marketing is a courtship, not a one-night stand. It’s important to play a long game, build reputation and earn the respect of your customers.

Bad Advice, Part 2
Marketing isn’t Sales. They may be closely tied, but they need to be treated differently, Each has its place, learn where that is.

Bad Advice, Part 1
There’s a lot of bad marketing advice being given, and a lot of misconceptions about the right way to market. Experts have given their favorites. I’ll explain why the advice is bad.

Corners of RHO: Part 3, Educate
Educating your customers about your products, services, and company makes them feel like they’re part of your business family.

YouTube Premiere
The premiere episode of Cross-Cultural Conversations is scheduled on YouTube. German-born Lucien Fantke talks about his experiences working and owning a business in China.

Coming Soon: Cross-Cultural Conversations
I just finished recording the first of what I hope are many “Cross-Cultural Conversations”. These are interviews with people who live in, do business in, and/or do business with cultures that are not their own. Barring any technical problems, I should have it edited and posted sometime this week.
Lucien Fantke, owner of Co-Op Training in China was the first volunteer to speak with me.

New post on LinkedIn–and first under the umbrella of Redleaf Consulting Group. Computers can’t pick the best candidate for the job: toss out automated HR and look at the human side of things.