Doing business with someone from another culture requires that you admit you don’t understand things the same way they do–and then find someone to help.
Category: Communication

Coming Soon: Cross-Cultural Conversations
I just finished recording the first of what I hope are many “Cross-Cultural Conversations”. These are interviews with people who live in, do business in, and/or do business with cultures that are not their own. Barring any technical problems, I should have it edited and posted sometime this week.
Lucien Fantke, owner of Co-Op Training in China was the first volunteer to speak with me.

Blaze is the founder of Redleaf Consulting. He started as a dishwasher at the age of 15, and worked his way up to Director of Marketing for a Sino-German joint venture in Jiangsu, China. He has over 25 years of experience in education, communication, and marketing.

Right as Rain
Search engines and digital dictionaries are no replacement for actual understanding. If you want to know a culture, you need to talk to a native.

Process vs Results: Which Way are You Oriented?
It’s important to know how your company approaches projects and problems. It’s just as important to know how the companies you work with do it.

Fighting With the Finance Department
When you start dealing with accounting and finance in international business you run into an interesting problem–words.

Yeah, But WHICH English Do You Speak?
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Variations in English can result in big problems. How can you avoid them?

RHO = Real Human Optimization
RHO stands for “Real Human Optimization”–an alternative to the “tips, tricks, and scams” that are being pushed as “SEO”. There are no quick solutions to being at the top. We’re here to teach you how to improve, not to promise you the moon.

What Does One Plus Three Equal?
This simple technique for answering questions can improve communication, save time, and bolster your reputation as a knowledgeable and confident businessperson.