Before you start sending out your marketing message, figure out who you want to engage, and whether your message is for them.
Category: RHO

Bad Advice, Part 3
Marketing is a courtship, not a one-night stand. It’s important to play a long game, build reputation and earn the respect of your customers.

Bad Advice, Part 2
Marketing isn’t Sales. They may be closely tied, but they need to be treated differently, Each has its place, learn where that is.

Corners of RHO: Part 3, Educate
Educating your customers about your products, services, and company makes them feel like they’re part of your business family.

Cornerstones of RHO: Part 2, Inform
People want information. Give it to them. Provide them with all the details you can–the more they know the more they feel like they know you.

Cornerstones of RHO: Part 1, Identify
The first cornerstone of RHO is to Identify. Tell people what things are–and do so in a clear, simple way that’s easy to understand.

RHO: Keepin’ It Fresh
Maintenance is rarely fun, but it’s important. In the world of marketing and RHO, maintenance means generating new, fresh content to keep your customers–potential and actual–interested.

RHO: Cornerstones
RHO and solid marketing is built on four simple cornerstones: Identify, Inform, Educate, Engage. With these as the foundation, your marketing efforts–online or off–have a clear path and direction.

RHO: You’ve Got a Reputation
The second important aspect of SEO & RHO is your “online reputation”. In this post, we discuss the basics of what is meant by “reputation”, and why it’s important.

RHO: Content is the Key
The most basic aspect of RHO is creating content that people are interested in. Don’t write for Google, write for your customers.