All right class! Pencils down and listen up…
No… Not that kind of education. When I speak about “education” in marketing, I’m talking about letting your customers know what your product does, how it does it, and how it does it “better” than other products. Together these approaches educate your potential customers as to why they should buy from you.
You’ll also want to educate your customers on how to use your product, what all the parts of your process mean, what materials you use, what techniques you use, and how skilled your employees are.
Finally, in today’s ethically-motivated consumer base, you’ll want to show your customers all the good things you do for the environment, the community, and the world.

Blaze is the founder of Redleaf Consulting. He started as a dishwasher at the age of 15, and worked his way up to Director of Marketing for a Sino-German joint venture in Jiangsu, China. He has over 25 years of experience in education, communication, and marketing.