Your Code Is Who You Are
Your digital footprint defines who you–and your business–are. Getting it right can be tricky. Getting it wrong is far too easy. A full Digital Audit looks at every place you appear online and digs deep into what’s behind it.
A few of the places we’ll dig into:
- Website: Is it SEO friendly? Is it mobile friendly? How fast does it load? Is it accessible to people with screen readers or other special requirements? Is it safe?
- Social Media: What’s your history? What are your stats? Are you using it properly? Is there something “dangerous” in your history or your feed?
- Security: Are you blacklisted? Are you infected?
- Reputation: What are others saying about you online? What are your reviews like? (Did you know you’ve been reviewed?)
- Advertising: Are you getting the most out of your online advertising? How can you improve it? What are you doing wrong?
- Missed Opportunities: What aren’t you doing that you should be?
An “audit” sounds scary–but don’t worry: I’m not the IRS. My job is just to help you use the tools available to you to build and maintain a great online reputation.
Trust is Required
A Full Digital Audit requires that you entrust me with the keys to your online accounts. I know how scary that sounds.
If you're not comfortable allowing me access to your accounts, we can discuss a "Chaperoned Audit". I will dig into any publicly-available data on my own, and will sit down with you in person to review any accounts that require logins--you keep all the passwords secret from me.
Chaperoned Audits are billed per-hour.